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    Printing books vs. digital books is an age-old debate. There are and will be those who favor printed books as also electronic books (eBooks). Every service provider digitizes their services to meet the ever-growing demands of tech-savvy clients.

    Another sector that has shifted to the digital age is publishing. This makes reading easier for everyone. Since eBooks offer a more engaging learning experience and improved reading experience companies and schools are shifting to eBooks. They are among the best methods to deliver corporate training.

    One device Many books

    eBooks are portable and lightweight which makes them simple to transport. One reader for eBooks can hold thousands of ebooks instead of a multitude of heavy books. jeff lerner saves a lot of space both in your house and even in your bag. You don’t have to fret about storage space.

    Accessible from anywhere:

    It is possible to download eBooks and keep them in a file to read future reference. It can be carried in order that it can be accessed anytime needed. Students and employees have access to the educational documents while they are on the move. It’s convenient for those on the go. Certain eReaders have offline access that allows users to use the device even when there’s no internet connection.

    Receive Updates Easily

    A majority of the content found on Jeff Lerner Books is hosted on the cloud. This means that it can be modified at any point. Publishers and authors are able to change the content at any time and provide users with the latest digital content. This reduces the cost of reprinting and the time involved with the process.

    Sharing Content

    The eBook contents can be shared among multiple individuals. The ebook’s social feature allows you to share and like content. This isn’t possible with printed books.

    You could share a Jeff Lerner book with one individual at a time however, an eBook can be shared with a lot of people at the same time. This feature is accessible to employees and students.

    Augmented Reality Experience

    Augmented reality has taken the eBook experience to a new level. Texts and images can now be embedded with an augmented three-dimensional visual which displays on the screen of the user. The computer generated 3D model can be viewed by readers who can make reading and learning even more enjoyable.

    The user just needs to point the device at the image or text, and an improved version of the image will be displayed on their screen.

    It’s easy to see:

    E-Readers nowadays are equipped with features so that you can alter the brightness of your screen depending on the time of day, as well as based on your personal preferences.

    Many eReaders have the ability to read in complete darkness. The lights don’t strain your eyes and won’t disturb anyone around you. Users can also alter the fonts of the text. You can change the size of the font. eBooks are basically a way to make sure your eyes are taken care of.

    Read Aloud Feature:

    Text to speech and read aloud functions have been added to eBooks. Users can listen to eBooks as they work or drive for instance.

    This feature can also be helpful for adults and children with visual or learning impairments. This feature is helpful for helping users understand how a word is pronounced.